Source code for webdnn.frontend.converter

from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Dict, TypeVar, Generic

from webdnn.graph.graph import Graph
from webdnn.graph.operator import Operator
from webdnn.graph.variable import Variable
from webdnn.util import console

T_OP = TypeVar('T_OP')

Handler = Callable[["Converter", T_OP], Operator]

class CyclicGraphError(Exception):

[docs]class Converter(Generic[T_OP]): """Converter() This class converts computation graph in other DNN library into WebDNN IR format. If you want to implement your custom converter, see :doc:`/tutorial/custom_operator/index`. """ _handler_map = defaultdict(dict) # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Handler]] def __init__(self): self._variable_table = {} # type: Dict[object, Variable] @abstractmethod
[docs] def convert(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Graph: """convert(*args, **kwargs) Convert computation graph into WebDNN IR format. Arguments of this method is defined in each child class. Returns: Graph in WebDNN IR format """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def register_handler(cls, key: str): """register_handler(key) Decorator to register operator converter handler. Args: key: operator type name. As default, it's the class name for each operator instance. you can change this behavior by overriding :func:`~webdnn.converter.Converter.serialize_operator_type`. Returns: : """ def decorator(handler: Handler): if key in cls._handler_map[cls.__name__]: console.warning(f"[{cls.__name__}] Converter Handler for '{key}' is already registered in {cls.__name__} and overwritten.") cls._handler_map[cls.__name__][key] = handler return handler return decorator
[docs] def serialize_operator_type(self, operator: T_OP) -> str: """serialize_operator_type(operator) Serialize operators type in other DNN framework into strings Args: operator (Type): operator type in other DNN framework Returns: (str): serialized value """ return operator.__class__.__name__
[docs] def get_variable(self, key: object) -> Variable: """get_variable(key) Gets variable object corresponding to the key. Args: key (object): key Returns: (:class:`~webdnn.Variable`):variable object in WebDNN IR Format. """ return self._variable_table[key]
[docs] def set_variable(self, key: object, variable: Variable, overwrite: bool = False): """set_variable(key, variable) Stores variable object corresponding to the key. Args: key (object): key variable (:class:`~webdnn.Variable`): variable overwrite (bool): When False, if the key is already exist, KeyError is raised. """ if not overwrite and key in self._variable_table: raise KeyError(f"Variable {key} already exists") self._variable_table[key] = variable
[docs] def has_variable(self, key: object) -> bool: """has_variable(key) Check whether variable object corresponding to the key is generated or not. Args: key (object): key Returns: (bool): If :code:`True`, the key is contained. """ return key in self._variable_table
def _convert_operator(self, operator: T_OP): operator_key = self.serialize_operator_type(operator) if operator_key not in self._handler_map[self.__class__.__name__].keys(): raise NotImplementedError(f"Operator '{operator_key}' is not handled any converter handlers.") self._handler_map[self.__class__.__name__][operator_key](self, operator) return None