Source code for webdnn.graph.operators.axiswise_scale

import warnings
from typing import Optional

from webdnn.graph.axis import Axis
from webdnn.graph.operators.elementwise_mul import ElementwiseMul

[docs]class AxiswiseScale(ElementwiseMul): """AxiswiseScale(name, axis) Multiply a scale value along to specified axis. Args: name (str): Operator name. axis (:obj:`~webdnn.Axis`): target axis Signature .. code:: y, = op(x, s) - **x** - Data variable. It must has `axis` axis, and whose size must be same as :code:`s`. - **s** - Scale variable. It must be 1D variable and that size must be same as :code:`x.shape_dict[axis]` - **y** - Output variable. Its order and shape is same as :code:`x`. .. deprecated:: v1.2 Use :class:`~webdnn.graph.operators.elementwise_mul.ElementwiseMul` instead. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str], axis: Axis): super().__init__(name) self.parameters["axis"] = axis # FIXME: Deprecated warnings.warn("AxiswiseScale will be removed in the future version. Use ElementwiseMul.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) @property def axis(self) -> Axis: return self.parameters["axis"]