Source code for webdnn.graph.operators.concat

from typing import List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from webdnn.graph.axis import Axis
from webdnn.graph.graph import Graph
from webdnn.graph.operator import Operator
from webdnn.graph.operators.attributes.tensorwise import Tensorwise
from webdnn.graph.optimize_rule import OptimizeRule
from webdnn.graph.placeholder import Placeholder
from webdnn.graph.variable import Variable
from webdnn.graph.variables.constant_variable import ConstantVariable

[docs]class Concat(Operator): """Concat(name, axis) Concatenate multiple variables into one variable along to specified axis. Args: name (str): Operator name. axis (:obj:~`webdnn.Axis`): target axis Signature .. code:: y, = op(x0, x1, ...) - **x0**, **x1**, ... - Input variables. All variables has same shape except the specified axis. - **y** - Output variable. Its order is same as :code:`x0`. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str], axis: Axis): super().__init__(name) self.parameters["axis"] = axis def __call__(self, *xs: Variable): axis = self.axis axis_index = xs[0].order.axes_dict[axis] axes = xs[0].order.axes y_shape = list(xs[0].shape) # type: List[Union[int, Placeholder]] y_shape[axis_index] = 0 y_order = xs[0].order for i, x in enumerate(xs): assert x.order.check_same_axes(xs[0].order), f""" [Concat] Input variable of Concat operator must have same axes (x0.order.axes) = {xs[0].order.axes} (x{i}.order.axes) = {xs[i].order.axes}""" for other_axis in [other_axis for other_axis in axes if other_axis != axis]: if Placeholder.check_resolved(xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[other_axis]): assert xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis] == x.shape_dict[other_axis], f""" [Concat] Input variable of Concat operator must be same shape except the specified axis: (x0.shape_dict[{other_axis}]) = {xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]} (x{i}.shape_dict[{other_axis}]) = {xs[i].shape_dict[other_axis]}""" y_shape[axis_index] += x.shape_dict[axis] for a in y_order.axes: if a == axis: continue self.attributes.add(Tensorwise(a)) y = Variable(y_shape, y_order) for i, x in enumerate(xs): self.append_input(f"x{i}", x) self.append_output("y", y) return y, @property def axis(self) -> Axis: return self.parameters["axis"] def fold_constance(self, graph: Graph): xs = [self.inputs[f"x{i}"] for i in range(len(self.inputs))] # type: List[ConstantVariable] y = self.outputs["y"] data = np.concatenate([ConstantVariable(, x.order).change_order(y.order).data for x in xs], axis=y.order.axes_dict[self.axis]) new_y = ConstantVariable(data, y.order) OptimizeRule.replace_variable(graph, y, new_y) self.remove_all()