Source code for webdnn.graph.operators.elementwise

from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import Optional

from webdnn.graph import variable
from webdnn.graph.axis import AxisKeyDict
from webdnn.graph.operator import Operator
from webdnn.graph.operators.attributes.inplace import InplaceOperator
from webdnn.graph.operators.attributes.tensorwise import Tensorwise
from webdnn.graph.order import Order
from webdnn.graph.placeholder import Placeholder

[docs]class Elementwise(Operator, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Elementwise(name) Elementwise operator base class. Operation *"Elementwise"* is defined as follows: - It outputs only one variable. - All input variables and the output variable are same shape (not need to be same order). - Each element of output variable can be computed with only the elements at the same position of input variables. .. math:: y[p] = f(x_0[p], x_1[p], ..., x_n[p]), where :math:`p` means the position of the element. All input variables are registered with name like :code:`x0`, :code:`x1`, ... :code:`x{index}`, and the output variable is registered with name :code:`y`. This operator has :obj:`~webdnn.graph.attributes.elementwise.Elementwise` attribute. Args: name (str): Operator name. Signature .. code:: y, = op(x0, x1, ...) - **x0**, **x1**, ... - Input variables. - **y** - Output variable. Its shape and order is same as :code:`x0`. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str]): super().__init__(name) self.attributes.add(InplaceOperator(self, "x0", "y")) def __call__(self, *xs: "variable.Variable"): y_axes = [] y_shape_dict = AxisKeyDict() # Check variable in descent order of the number of dimensions. # Without this procedure, in case that x0.order=C and x1.order=NC, the output order is CN. Expected result is NC. xs_order = [(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(xs)] xs_order.sort(key=lambda d: d[1].ndim, reverse=True) for i, x in xs_order: for axis in x.order.axes: if axis in y_axes: if y_shape_dict[axis] == 1: # broadcast y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis] else: y_axes.append(axis) y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis] if Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[axis]): if Placeholder.check_resolved(y_shape_dict[axis]): assert y_shape_dict[axis] == x.shape_dict[axis] or x.shape_dict[axis] == 1, f""" [Elementwise] All input variables of elementwise operator should be same shape: (y.shape) = {y_shape_dict[a] for a in y_axes} (x{i}.shape) = {x.shape} (y.shape[{axis}]) = {y_shape_dict[axis]} (x{i}.shape[{axis}]) = {x.shape_dict[axis]}""" else: y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis] # Add tensorwise attributes for axis in y_axes: self.attributes.add(Tensorwise(axis)) y = variable.Variable([y_shape_dict[axis] for axis in y_axes], Order(y_axes)) for i, x in enumerate(xs): self.append_input(f"x{i}", x) self.append_output("y", y) return y,