Source code for webdnn.graph.operators.reshape

from typing import Optional, Union, Sequence, Tuple

from webdnn.graph.graph import Graph
from webdnn.graph.operator import Operator
from webdnn.graph.operators.attributes.inplace import InplaceOperator
from webdnn.graph.optimize_rule import OptimizeRule
from webdnn.graph.order import Order
from webdnn.graph.placeholder import Placeholder
from webdnn.graph.variable import Variable
from webdnn.graph.variables.constant_variable import ConstantVariable
from webdnn.util.misc import mul

[docs]class Reshape(Operator): """Reshape(name, in_order, out_order, out_shape) Reshape array assuming it is C-order. Removing / inserting axis with length 1 When in_order: NHWC, out_order: NTC, out_shape: (2, 6, 10) and input variable is (2, 3, 4, 5), the semantic procedure is as follows. 1. Interpret input variable as NTHWC (2, 1, 3, 4, 5) with inserting axis with length 1 2. Reshape it with assuming C-order and length of axis being removed is 1; NTHWC (2, 6, 1, 1, 10) 3. Remove axes; NTC (2, 6, 10) Swapping axes is prohibited because it is ambiguous. If in_order and out_order match the actual input / output variable order, kernel does not have to do anything. Args: name (str): Operator name. in_order (:class:`~webdnn.graph.order.Order`): input order out_order (:class:`~webdnn.graph.order.Order`): output order out_shape (list of int or :class:`~webdnn.graph.placeholder.Placeholder`): output shape Signature .. code:: y, = op(x) - **x** - Input variable. - **y** - Output variable. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str], in_order: Order, out_order: Order, out_shape: Sequence[Union[int, Placeholder]]): super().__init__(name) assert -1 not in out_shape, "-1 (wildcard) in reshape output shape is currently not supported" for i, v in enumerate(out_shape): if not isinstance(v, (Placeholder, int)): raise TypeError(f""" [Reshape] Parameter "out_shape" must be sequence of integer (value) = {v} (type of value[{i}]) = {type(v)}""") self.parameters["in_order"] = in_order self.parameters["out_order"] = out_order self.parameters["out_shape"] = out_shape self.attributes.add(InplaceOperator(self, "x", "y")) def __call__(self, x: Variable): if not self.in_order.check_same_axes(x.order): raise TypeError(f""" [Reshape] Input variable order is not compatible with "in_order" (input variable) = {x} (input variable order) = {x.order} (parameter "in_order") = {self.in_order}""") assert x.size == mul(self.out_shape), f""" [Reshape] Variable size must not be changed: (input shape)={x.shape} (input size)={x.size} (output shape)={self.out_shape} (output size)={mul(self.out_shape)}""" y = Variable(self.out_shape, self.out_order) self.append_input("x", x) self.append_output("y", y) return y, def fold_constance(self, graph: Graph): x = self.inputs["x"] # type: ConstantVariable y = self.outputs["y"] self.remove_all() y_new = ConstantVariable(, x.order).change_order(self.in_order) y_new = ConstantVariable(, self.out_order).change_order(y.order) OptimizeRule.replace_variable(graph, y, y_new) @property def in_order(self) -> Order: return self.parameters["in_order"] @property def out_order(self) -> Order: return self.parameters["out_order"] @property def out_shape(self) -> Tuple[Union[int, Placeholder]]: return tuple(self.parameters["out_shape"])